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Tarot-Based Coaching

No fortune telling. Just science.

Does this sound like you?

Did I get that right? I know because I've been there, too.

My self-trust was broken at a very young age, and for a long time I couldn’t connect with myself. Sure, things looked great on the outside—I was a great student, went to a great school, had a great job, bought the house in the suburbs with my husband and 3 beautiful children. 

I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing because I had no way of telling what I actually wanted to be doing. 

Even worse, once I did start to get to know myself, I didn’t have enough trust build up yet to be able to confidently pursue my dreams. I kept playing small and doubting myself, until I discovered the self-coaching tool that changed my life. 

I started learning tarot cards like one would learn a language—I was learning how to communicate with my intuition through the metaphors, symbols, and archetypes on the cards. I could finally be in conversation with myself and access the wisdom that was within me. And as I started acted upon that wisdom, my self-trust continued to get reinforced. 

I felt a little like Dorothy: “Why my dear, you had the answers within you all along!” 

I never would have expected one little deck of cards to be such a powerful tool in the art of transformational change, but tarot cards have proven to be simplest and fastest path to building self-trust that I have found. 

Tarot-based coaching hasn't just changed my life–I started using the cards in my coaching practice and my clients started seeing immediate impact...

What Others Have to Say

There is nothing more powerful than Tarot-Based Coaching, but don't just take my word for it.


"It's kind of like a coaching session on steroids..."


"How fast we pivoted to talk about what was more important today and needed to be discussed was SHOCKING!"


"Once you asked the questions that were brought up by the cards, I did have answers. And that was validating that I do know what I’m doing and I do know how to answer these questions on my own."


“I loved how the cards guided the conversation, but you offered plenty of coaching observation, and insight.”

"Through coaching, Jesse helped me make the decision to go after my dream. She helped me conquer my fears of transition and was incredible at holding space throughout my journey."
Steph Strine

"I am incredibly grateful to have crossed paths with Jesse. When we started working together I was at a crossroads; unsure of my next step and at a standstill. With Jesse's help, I began to get in touch with my own strengths, motivations, and desires. Suddenly, I could see a future that excited me... Jesse blends her wealth of knowledge with expert listening skills and a genuine desire to help her clients become the best version of themselves. She's a calming presence in a busy word and her grounded approach can bring anyone to a place of clarity, confidence, and empowerment as they move ahead"

"I loved my experience with Jesse SO much! She supported me throughout the whole process and was always there for me when I needed her. Now I'm feeling more confident, less anxious, and I'm approaching new experiences with the bright light Jesse saw in me all along."
Kelly Allen

"Jesse is kind, energetic, warm, and helpful. She goes beyond the question that you asked and gives you the unexpected. Jesse has a very deep presence and connection when she is with you. You truly feel heard – that your concern is her concern."

"Jesse has been so helpful and supportive! She helped me discover my authentic self, to trust in myself more, and provided me with crucial feedback when I needed to hear it the most. Now I feel so much better in my own skin, as myself."
Lauren Ryan